2020/ 2021— Uncursed Cotton/ Buang Suay
2020/ September, NGS Out of Isolation Corvid19, Perspectives online, National Gallery Singapore’s online publishing platform for...
2020/July— NUS Museum prep-room conversation online
Conversation with Johann Yasmin and Kirti Bhaskar Upadhyaya webinar started as Insta-stories at NUS Museum during Corvid lockdown....
2019/ — Visual Notes: Actions and Imaginnings,/NX Gallery, NUS Museum.
Johann Yamin interviewed and curated a survey of works from NUS Museum collection "Amoy Suite "(about 400+ pcs) to include video works...
2019/ September— A Year in Java, ACM Singapore.
An installation of curtains of povertquilts that made a room within a room. By day the public is invited to sew buttons in memories of...
2019/ February—artist talk, Raffles Revisited, Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore.
...in conjunction with the exhibition Raffles in Southeast Asia . (Slide presentation of works in progress with performance of babad of...
2018/ March—Open House! Emerald Hill.
Commissioned by OpenHouse Singapore as part of an extensive survey of Colonial Orchard Road, a Raffles Grill was made of metal in...
2016/ - ArtBasel HK and ArtJarkarta.
This exhibition was featured at the HongKong art fair. Titled "Java Series- Atoning Raffles", it consists of 8 large drawings and 7...
2015 /solo show— {The History of Java}, FOST Gallery, Singapore .
Performed Sleeping With Raffles with installed effigy of Raffles. No video documentation. more photos of artwork at gallery: [Jimmy ONG —...