2018/ March—Open House! Emerald Hill.
Commissioned by OpenHouse Singapore as part of an extensive survey of Colonial Orchard Road, a Raffles Grill was made of metal in Bandung. As I was already researching Javanese cooking, I wanted a performance that revive rowdy street fare of Java that also make a monument "useful" as it is not as revered in Indonesia.
It was also a chance to rehang the Seamstress Raffles in a the manner of ropes and hanging from the ceiling.
[OH! Open House on Instagram: “Upon first glance, Jimmy Ong’s Open Love Letters is a rather festive work. There is music playing, the fragrance of spices in the air, kueh…”](https://www.instagram.com/p/CELPlnenaYX/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)
[Becoming Singapore Episode 2 - CNA](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/video-on-demand/becoming-singapore/episode-2-11133958 ) between 07:00–-12:00
exhibition of Seamstress' Raffles and Raffles Grill being made in Bandung;
and performed Open Love Letters to the dangdut music in background.
more photos here:https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B10GQOeMmGkh3Nr