2019/ February—artist talk, Raffles Revisited, Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore.
...in conjunction with the exhibition Raffles in Southeast Asia .
(Slide presentation of works in progress with performance of babad of fall of Yogyakarta under the British).
The slide presentation chronicle my "research' of Raffles in Java beginning with the exhibition {A History of Java} in 2015. I took the opportunity to prescreen the mock-documentary-toour of Raffles in Jogja. I have also brought along two Javanese assistants trained to performed a puppetry skit of Olivia Raffles and Cornelia van Nijenroode (17 C Javan-Eurasian divorcee) and to sing the babad (royal court records) of the fall and looting of Yogyakarta palace by Raffles and the East India Company. This very babad in its hand scripted manuscript was exhibiting at the same time in the Asian Civilisation Museum, on loan from the British Museum.