Jimmy Ong/ blog, etc.
2023/ March--- KiapKiap Revolution. JimmyOng & the TakTakutKidsClub, Esplanade Singapore.
2022-2023/ February---Nothing is Forever: Rethinking Sculpture in Singapore, National Gallery Singapore.
2022/ January--- exhibited SAWeek, collaborative work with Tak Takut Kids Club at OH! With/ Against the Art, Gillman Barrack.
2021/February--- performance, BuangSuay, NUS Museum, Singapore.
2020/ July— NUS Museum, Prep Room Conversation.
2020 Pandemic in Singapore ---artist in residence, 3P Community Arts Lab, Singapore.
2019 — Visual Notes: Actions and Imaginnings,/NX Gallery, NUS Museum.
2019/ September— installation and performance, A Year in Java, Asian Civilisation Museum Singapore.
2019/April--- group show. Raw Forms, Coda Culture, Singapore.
2019/ March— walking performance, Covered Causeway, Passport@ OH! OpenHouse.
2018/ March— cooking performance, Open House! Emerald Hill/, Singapore
2018/ February—group show, A Beast, A God, A Line, Dhaka Art Summit, Para Site, Hong Kong.
2016 /November— test kitchen, Olivia’s Table, Gudskul, Gudang Sarinah, Jakarta.
2016/ March--- Raffles Revisited. ArtBasel HK, FOST Gallery.
2015 {The History of Java}, FOST Gallery, Singapore .
2013 artist studio in Yogyakarta.
2012 Makcik Project 1, Institute of Contemporary Art Network, Yogyakarta. Indonesia.
Singapore Survey 2012: Strange New Faces, Valentine Willie Fine Art, Singapore.
2011 Transfiguring, 2-persons exhibition, The Private Museum, Singapore.
Singapore Survey: Imagine Malaysia, Valentine Willie Fine Art, Singapore.
2010 Sitayana Tyler Rollins Fine Art, New York, NY.
Singapore Survey: Beyond LKY, Valentine Willie Fine Art, Singapore.
SGD, residency and exhibition, Singapore Tyler Print Institute, Singapore.
2009 The Air Conditioned Recession, Valentine Willie Fine Art, Singapore.
2008 Ancestors on the Beach, Post Museum and Valentine Willie Fine Art, Singapore.
2006 Nature Born, Langgeng Contemporary Art Festival, Magelang, Indonesia.
2005 Moved to Vermont.
2004 Rocks & Water, Block 43 Studio Gallery, Singapore.
The Invisible Thread, Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, Staten Island, NY.
2003 Trees in a Garden, Lunuganga, Bentota, Sri Lanka.
2002 Portable Prayer, Plum Blossoms Gallery, New York, NY.
2001 Lovers’ Rocks, Taksu Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2000 Alter-Altar, Plum Blossoms Gallery, Hong Kong.
12 ASEAN Artists, National Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1999 Studies for a Deity, Gallery 456, New York, NY.
The Other Woman, Dagmar Gallery, Santa Monica, CA.
1997 Lovers & Ancestors, Cicada Gallery, Singapore.
1995 Figurative Works, Mulligan Shanoski Gallery, San Francisco, CA.
Moved to New York, Long Island.
1994 Five Directions, Takashimaya Gallery, Singapore.
1993 Prodigal Son, Amoy Street Studio open house, Singapore.
Stage set for Theatreworks Singapore production of Lao Jiu.
1992 Graduated Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art.
Returned to Singapore, Nassim Hill Studio.
1990 Jimmy Ong- Drawings, Goethe Institute, Singapore.
1989 Enrolled at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA.
1988 Table Drawings, Art Forum Gallery, Singapore.
Familiar Stranger/ Distant Relative, Dragon Court, studio open house, Singapore.
Summer abroad, Studio Art Center International, Florence, Italy.
Returned to Singapore.
1987 The Children Of, Arbour Fine Art Gallery, Singapore.
Summer abroad, Lacoste School of Art, Vacluse, France.
1985 Center for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI. AICA scholarship.
Left for USA.
1984 The Drawings of Jimmy Ong, Alliance Française, Singapore.
Sculpture Workshop, St Patrick Art Center, Singapore.
1983 The Class Room, staged performance and video, Goethe Institute, Singapore.
1983 The Couple, xeroxed collages, Toulouse Lautrec Bistro, Singapore.
1982 UOB Painting of the Year, Youth 2nd Prize, Singapore.
1964 Born in Singapore.
underlined denotes one person exhibition.
Post 2015 photos in blog also updated/ elaborated with links on social media as timeline here in blog.